Global Knowledge refers to knowledge that is beyond local and indigenous context. It is cross-cultural, has high generalizability, and tends to be characterized by a diversity in source. As such, global knowledge has to transpire cultural boundaries, 100 great people, success stories, famous scientists, world histories, electrical books, and English stories...
What is global knowledge in relation to education?
Global education, or global studies, is an interdisciplinary approach to learning concepts and skills necessary to function in a world that is increasingly interconnected and multicultural. The learner examines issues from the vantage point of the individual, the local community, the nation, and the world community.
Why is global knowledge important?
An ability to understand, respect and work well with people from diverse cultures is increasingly important for social and academic success in an interconnected world. The idea behind global awareness is to create global citizens who are open to those raised in different countries, cultures and religious settings.
Scientific Knowledge
Scientific literacy is the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making, participation in civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity Or even more simply put: understanding enough science to make good choices in life.
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